From time to time various folks have assisted me with supplying information, pictures, and yearbooks for the web pages you see here.  The design was basically my attempt to give each class an area that was separate and individual.  My cousin Nancy even helped with the cut and paste of some of the pictures because I got in over my head on the first run and ran out of time.  There were over 2000 pictures from '62-'68 that had to be placed, along with the basic design that I did.  My wife has tolerated my putting more time into this than I should... which is of course what a work-a-holic always does.  I used those pictures to generate a name badge for each attendee at the reunion.  Avery Label Pro works great in combination with the database and pictures.
The Kansas City Library has assisted me with yearbooks that I didn't have.  Ms. Linda Eckinger from the library helped in 1998.   Kathy Simmons, Branch Manager, also has been a help with providing yearbooks I didn't have.
Eddie Forbes ('56) and brother Kenny Forbes ('58) have been so kind as to provide '56, '57, and '58 yearbooks.  This was wonderful in that it completes the early years and gives me some insight into the founding of the Van Horn Era.
Dan Meder ('63) has assisted me with processing information related to several different years.   Dan also was able to furnish the 1959 yearbook I needed.   Bob McClain ('71) called and offered a 1970 yearbook which I have on line now. Teressa Thomson ('76) provided yearbooks for 1974, 1975, and 1976. Helen Rozgay ('66) was able to provide 1962, 1963, and 1964 yearbooks.   Helen has a lot of relatives that went to Van Horn.  Ken Larson ('68) provided a 1968 yearbook from another friend. He couldn't find his.  Connie (Dickinson) Halastik ('78) helped with the 1977, 1978 yearbooks.  Jim Blau ('69) was able to provide a 1969 yearbook.  Linda Jones ('73) was able to provide a 1971 and 1972 yearbook so I could grab a couple of pages that had been damaged in the books that I had.   Cheryl Jeffries ('73) was also kind enough to loan me a '73 yearbook to get some damaged pages scanned.  Glenda Baker ('73) was able to loan me a '73 commencement flyer and a '71 Super Falc ribbon.   Shannon McBride ('91) was kind enough to loan me her '89 and '90 yearbooks.  (It seems '91 was damaged in a basement flood.)  Chris Chrisco is providing his copies of the 1999 and 2000 yearbooks, along with commencement flyers.   2001 it seems was never produced although he has a copy of the yearbook cover that was proposed.  It seems that they ran out of time and money and the yearbook didn't make it.  Jana Johnson ('87) offered her 1985, 1986, and 1987 yearbooks.  Jana also had the '87 Commencement Flyer and Baccalaureate, along with the 1988 Commencement Flyer.  Patricia Hoskins ('70) and husband Kenneth Lee ('67) provided a copy of the '67 Commencement Flyer.  Pam Peden ('66) was able to furnish a '66 commencement flyer.  Angela Brownsberger ('83) provided me with a 1983 yearbook and commencement flyer.  Marion J. Van Rest, A+ Coordinator at Van Horn ('02) was kind enough to help with the 1998 yearbook and the 2002 yearbook.  She is also helping with obtaining the other years I am missing.  Jim Clark, a former teacher, donated the 1993 yearbook.  Bill Chauncey and Judy (Mead) Chauncey were kind enough to run down their copy of the 1962 Graduation Flyer and I now have it on line, along with the Baccalaureate program from '62.  Hattie Williams ('95) was kind enough to provide the 1994 and 1995 yearbooks for this effort, along with a graduation flyer from 1995. Janet Herman has been able to help with a 1972/3/4 Original Class commencement flyer (only had BW copies of 1972/3 previously) and a 1973 Class Baccalaureate flyer. Alice Morton ('73) offered a suggestion that I add current event info to the alumni bio page so that when folks are checking on a friend they might also see what's happening. I've added that feature. Keep up the good ideas folks!
Thank you to all the providers!
Class Coordinators have all helped with information about prior graduates. I could sure use current information on any graduate that you know about. I'm sure the coordinators can use all the help they can get to locate and notify folks about these reunions.   In the unfortunate circumstance that one of the graduates is deceased, please let us know about that too.  Date and location of death would be nice.  I also have an errors page that will denote errors and corrections.  I have room to put additional information on line about a grad... whatever it may be.  Links to web pages, email, and such are available.  If you don't have a class coordinator listed for your class, please submit one as appropriate.

To Submit Alumni Status Information
To Submit Coordinator Information

There is no charge for anything I do here.  I own the internet service that I have the web page hosted on and I do the work myself basically. Of course no charge means I do this in my spare time... what there is of it.
Roy Timberman
Class of '67
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