Year     1967
Name     Roy Martin Timberman
Yearbook     Roy Timberman
Bio     After VH I joined the KC Police as a civilian employee (due to age) and went into the army in 1969. Ended up at the Pentagon. Came back from the service and became a KC Police Officer. Have continued in a police related field of some kind since. Now own a funeral escort service, Professional Escorts, Inc. with a web page here for more info. I owned an Internet Service, Sound Advice Limited (dba, web page here. At one time I provided dial-up service to some 8000 customers. I closed the service in 2004. I am married with four children (all girls), and 13 grandchildren. My personal web page is located here and it will give you a lot of family pictures, and a history of some of the family's RVing experiences. I am the webmaster at here. I also help folks with other non-profit web sites as time permits and in many cases provide the server facilities that host them. I have also taken up Amateur Radio and have a call sign - W1RMT - along with two of my grandsons involved now. Had a stroke in 2012 and have somewhat recovered. Slowed me down a bit... Most of me works OK... some parts not so good. Additionally I have had bariatric surgery 2/17/20 and have gone from 339 lbs to 197 lbs as of 11/10/21.
Current Picture
1967 Upcoming Events:      
There are no scheduled events pending for the class of 1967.