The Class Coordinator is a classmate who has volunteered to assist with reunion
activities, student status and other class related information. The class
coordinator has in all cases put in a great amount of work with the help of
other classmates and friends to maintain a list of current addresses and status
of the classmates. This list assists in getting these classmates notified
in the event of a class reunion. Additionally the class coordinator helps
and guides in planning a reunion. We all owe our thanks to these folks who
volunteer their valuable time for this effort.
Many times this 'volunteer' work is not recognized as such.
It is just that. The class coordinator in many cases has children to
raise, family obligations, and a regular job commitment. The volunteer
then is extending a helper to the site here at their leisure and it is
appreciated. There are those that have nothing else to do and have a
'passion' for the coordinator work and I'd like to recognize those folks too.
They are doing an excellent job. Please give the rest of us a chance to
keep up with your 'passion'.
At this time I do not have information on a class coordinator for every year
although I'm sure they exist. Please submit such information if I do not have it