Class of '62 40 Year Reunion
December 30, 2002
PICTURES:  McEnroe  Rains  Whiteside
A brief commentary by the Webmaster...
On December 30, 2002 the Van Horn Class of '62 held a 40 year reunion.  The reunion took place at Onka Memorial Hall in Sugar Creek from 6 PM to Midnight.
The event was sponsored by Fred Hendrix, '62  classmate who now lives in New Orleans and has a fine nightclub there called the Tricou House at 711 Bourbon Street.  Fred was kind enough to work with a group he was originally a part of called Vince Vance & The Valiants.  The group was scheduled to do a New Years Eve show at Union Station and they donated their time to provide the entertainment for the reunion.  The show focused on the rock and roll era and particularly noteworthy was the audience participation that was encouraged.  The music was way too loud and it was apparent that the sound system was for a much larger presentation than the small Onka Hall area we were in.  What ever happened to the volume controls they have on such equipment??
There was lots of food and particularly noteworthy was the shrimp that Fred had brought from New Orleans with him.  Beer and soft drinks were available with lots of good friendship being had.  The cost of $10/person certainly didn't cover the costs involved here and I must say that it was obvious that Fred (or someone) had done a fine job and had donated quite a bit to the festivities.
There were several graduate years represented at the party and I was met at the door by Kenneth Forbes ('58) who with his wife Terry (Hill) Forbes ('62) were attending.  Kenny's brother Dave Forbes ('62) was also there.  Dave Liggett and wife Kathy (Biswell) Liggett ('62) were checking folks in.  George Whiteside ('62) was taking lots of pictures and told me he'd be sending a CD with them on it.  Where were you for senior pictures George?  It seems you didn't have one taken.  Apparently George is catching up on pictures. <grin>
There were approximately a hundred people there and we'll catch up on a more complete list as the pictures start rolling in.  David McEnroe was the first with 13 pictures...

Fred has a site up at which will have additional info on the festivities.

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