When I started this web page it was just going to be a bit of fun with the multi-class reunion taking place in 1998. I have since worked dilligently in my spare time to create a little something special for my Van Horn classmates.

Whenever I see something that needs change or I come up with a wild hair idea I try to implement it. This web site for instance has several pages with statistics which also have 'mini' pics on the same page. These are simply a really small version of the classmates yearbook picture. If you move your cursor over the pic it should pop up with a classmate name and clicking on it will bring up the classmates info page.

Virtually anywhere on the website if you click on a logo from the year it will send you to a page, usually the default page for the year. If you click on the same logo on the main page for a year it will take you back to the 'default page' for the web site vanhorn.org.

Clicking on the copyright should usually take you to the main default page for the website.

There is a pull down menu that you can use to navigate to the various years and to simply 'go back' one web page, i.e. the page you just left to get the page you're on.

Clicking on the small yearbook on each year's default page will pop up the yearbook picture in a larger viewable form.

The primary 'default page' for the main web site now comes up with a randomly selected format based on the yearbook presentation for the various years. It could be any year with no particular year being presented more than others. When that page is up and the year selected logo is presented, clicking on it will take you to that year to observe it.

On the main primary website page there are numerous connection points to see various information on the main site. Simply click on one to go to it. In the case of 'Falcon Alumni' and the stats areas you will need to use the pull down to select the year you want to see. Additionally there are links to outside resources.

Searching... You can search the classmates database using one of several variables such as First Name, Last Name, Yearbook Listing, Married Name, Graduation Year, and various other info based on the year you want information on.

Of course there are places for you to submit alumni info both in the form of data, and current pictures, etc. Also you can submit errors, reunion info, and general comments to the webmaster.

Above all the integrity of the web site is maintained by having all this wonderful info submitted to, scanned by, and ultimately placed on the site by the webmaster. I get a lot of submissions from folks that apparently like to mess with things. These are simply deleted and I move on with no other action taken.

Please note that the site is also the connection point that the Mid-Continent Public Library uses for the go to for Van Horn High School information. That was unsolicited and quite frankly I'm a bit proud of that unsolicited linking. Maybe I'm doing something right after all.

Please keep in mind that the information presented is about Van Horn High School, Independence, Missouri and NOT Van Horn High School, Van Horn, Texas. I've seen some people listed on the Texas web site that were clearly from Van Horn Independence, and I'm sure that there are some that have signed on here with info that are from the Texas school, although it is hard to pick them out. I'm trying to keep an accurate listing here... but 100% accuracy is of course impossible to maintain.

Roy Timberman
Class of '67


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