The faculty of 1978 is represented here.
The 1978 yearbook was particularly good in giving information
on each faculty member's history and hobbies.
Staff is listed with their primary focus although it is obvious
that many teachers have several areas of education in their training.

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Patricia Bailey Clerical Practice, Typing and Stenography
Cecil A. Billups Special Education
Jeff Bourns Wood Shop
Ledia Bross Spanish
Benjamin Brown, Jr Refresher and General Math
Eleanor Brown English
Clifford Carpenter American History
Juanita Carroll English and Debate
Robert Closson World History
William Cofer Music
Melvin Coleman Physics and Algebra
Vivian Constable Meal Management
Ed Crawford Earth Science and Chemistry
Wally Crawford Biology and B.P.E.
Lawrence Curry American and World History
Everett Draper Human Science
Charles Elliott Band, Orchestra and Guitar
Tom Fay Physical Education
Nancy Ferguson German and Englilsh
Carole Foster Sophomore English
Diane Fussell Biology
Lois Gibson Typing and Advanced Business
Calvin M. Glasgow American History
Louise Guest P.E. Teacher
Marva Hackett Sociology, Current Affairs and Black History
Eugene Harnish American History
Lorraine Harris Physical Science and Ecology
Dean Hartson ROTC
Hazel Hopkins Home Economics, Textiles and Home Decorations
Mary Margaret Johnson National Honor Society
Virginia Jones Business Law and Office COE
F.L. Jordan English and Debate
Otto Kaifes Calculus and Algebra
Bernice King World History
Tony King Earth Science
Robert Klamm Speech, Drama
Jack Larabee COE
Larry Lasater Metal Shop
Vanilla Lee Junior English
Steve Lucito Track/Cross Country Coach, Study Hall
Frank Malewski Drafting
Hazel Malone Child Development, Consumer Education and Home Economics
Neil Matticks Earth Science
John McArthur General and Refresher Math
Herb McCoy P.E.
Joseph Medina English
Vic Mitchell Psychology and World Geography
Alma Molix Typing and Accounting
Margaret Munoz Junior English
Debi Parkman Art
Barbara Pauk Co-ed Sports
Loretta Pegram Family Relations
Marlys Perkins Art
Irene Renner American History
Mertha Reynolds Geometry and Algebra
Homer Riggs Current Affairs and Contemporary Issues
J.D. Ring Power Mechanics and Electricity
Olin Shurn Human Science
D.R. Smith English
Tim Stout First and Second Year Art
James Toepfer Auto Mechanics
Jack Updike Auto Mechanics
Felix Van Leeuwen Algebra and Geometry
Wanda Van Leeuwen Junior English
William Vardyan English
Sam Warden English and French
Carolyn Williams Photography and Graphic Arts
Betty Woysnar Learning Disabilities
Building Maintenance  