Year     1971
Name     Donna Sue Griffin
Yearbook     Griffin, Donna
Bio     Divorced in 1990 I'm single. My Daughter Dina And Two Grandsons live with me. As well as my great grand son who started school this year. Cie Cie keeps me pretty busy. I have several other people staying here. Dina keeps telling me not to feed our friends. Because every time We let them eat super here they don't leave. But I really like trying new recipes and cooking. But like to Eat I guess I should be over two hundred pounds but I took after my Dad gaining weight is not something I worry about . I still can wear the same size clothes I did when I guess I will continue to bake what ever the boys dream up they want to eat. I dont get out much these days. Since James Thomas's death in 2007. Whom I was with for about ten years. Which shortly after his death I was diagnosed with cancer. I am in remission. So I spend alot of time redoing and copying family pictures as well as other projects for different ones on the computer. I have been retired for about eighteen years now. It's hard to believe it's been over forty years since graduation . I have moved out of state several times but for some reason I alway's come home to Independence.
Current Picture
1971 Upcoming Events:      
There are no scheduled events pending for the class of 1971.