Year     1962
Name     Martha Anthony
Yearbook     Martha Anthony
Bio     My husband and I have been married for 46 years. We have 2 children a boy 35 and a girl 29. He retired in 2002 and I retired in 2006 after nearly 40 years in the title insurance business. We now attend auctions for fun and have 2 booths at the Brass Armadillo and 1 at the Enchanted frog in Lathrop. Sometimes it is like having a full time job again. We try to go the the BS YMCA 3 times a week for the arthritis swim class. We have a great time and have made lots of new friends. We usually go to lunch after class with a small group and then once a month we take a field trip and have lunch as a group. We play Bunco twice a month and bring food. So you can see we eat a lot. Some days we go exercise our mouth and then go to lunch. We live on small acreage South of Bates City and have been here since 1971. I would move closer to town in a heart beat but my husband won't give in.
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1962 Upcoming Events:      
There are no scheduled events pending for the class of 1962.